Upcoming Tahoe Mountain Lab August Events

Our events platform is growing and that means YOU win. It's time to learn, Tahoe, just pick your passion: photography, business & leadership, or beer brewing? We've got them all on the calendar! Want to see something added to our repertoire or need meeting space for your club? Just let us know!

Tahoe Photo Group - "Silhouettes"

Tonight, August 6th at 7pm

The Tahoe Photo Group will be meeting this evening at 7pm on the theme, "Silhouettes." This topic is wide open so go get creative and see what we can come up with. You can visit their meetup page fro more information here (http://www.meetup.com/Tahoe-Photo-Group-Meetup/events/192850322/) . The club requests a $5 donation to help cover the costs of the rented space, snacks and Meetup web site costs.

"Guts & Glory - Value Based Leadership" Workshop

August 12th at 5pm with Alexis Robin, Executive Coach and Co-Founder of P.link Coaching Center for Excellence (http://plinkcoachingcenter.com/)

On Tuesday, August 12th from 5-6:30pm, Tahoe Mountain Lab is sponsoring the next in our monthly business coaching workshop with the amazing Alexis Robin of P.link West.

In "Guts & Glory - Value Based Leadership" (https://www.facebook.com/events/710625155640007/) , you'll learn all about Values, aka Character Strengths. This is an orientation to your values, why they matter and how to use them to write a personal credo.

To get the most out of this workshop, you'll want to take the VIA assessment. Great news, its FREE! Find it here…
www.viame.org. Print your 24 values and bring them to the workshop.

This workshop is free for Tahoe Mountain Lab members,
$20 for non-members.

Beer Brewer's Anonymous - "Hail Ale" Tasting

August 15th at 6:30pm

It's time for BBA's second meeting! Please join us in tasting our Hail Ale Friday August 15th at 6:30 PM. Did we mention there will be pizza and beer?

The Club will also address a number of other topics:

  • Club Scope, what do people want to get out of this?
  • Discuss the group brew. Voting on 5 different beer kits.
  • Brew to be held at home
  • Website: TahoeBBA.com

Tickets are $10 at the door, and go to providing PIZZA and BEER for the group.

Happy coworking and hope to see you at our events!